Associate Multiple Websites w/ Single Client
Jason Bean - Bnpositive
Need to be able to possibly associate multiple website hosting domains with a single client, for example I have one client that I’m hosting 3 different site domains.
Would be helpful to manage across hosting providers perhaps. Maybe they still have legacy sites with other non WordPress hosting.
Or maybe even with Flywheel, they have some sites in my agency plan and maybe other sites with their own plan?
Zakk Leifeste
I'm currently unable to attach anything. Seems like the site search feature isn't working.
Autumn Rodeheaver
Related to this, I have a customer wanting to attached multiple sites to one invoice.
Erin Olson
Autumn Rodeheaver: Got it! Good to know.
We originally scoped this out because it got complicated when there were 3 sites attached but only 1 qty of monthly. Which site actually subscribes to SEO? so we would have to have a lot of design though and link line items to sites at that point.
Did the customer provide any more detail with their request?
Autumn Rodeheaver
Erin Olson: Just forwarded you their email. All they said is it's for those clients who just want one bill for everything, which is understandable.
Erin Olson
Autumn Rodeheaver: Awesome! Thank you!
Tom Davis
Erin Olson: attaching multiple sites to one invoice would be great. I have clients that have multiple websites on care plans that then get a package care plan rate. It'd be nice to show which websites the invoices are for without having to add it in description.
Erin Olson
At this point, you do have the ability to attach as many sites as you'd like to one client. They must be hosted on Flywheel but we are looking into opening that up to any domain (not just Flywheel hosted sites) in 2021.