Ensure the new plugin works as well as the old plugin
in progress

Kevin Hoffman
As the product manager of new WP Engine Site Migration plugin, I am creating this post for those who have feedback about the differences between the new plugin and the old WP Engine Automated Migration plugin (powered by BlogVault) which is now deprecated. We continue to improve the reliability of the new plugin, and I am monitoring every post on this feedback board.
While you are welcome to add to the conversation below, I also encourage you to search the feedback board for existing posts that may describe your specific experience. If there is not an existing post, create a new post that includes a detailed description along with any relevant screenshots. Other details that help us to investigate these issues include:
- Migration ID
- Source or Destination URL
- WP Engine Environment Name
If you are more comfortable discussing the details of your migration in private, you can also leave a comment and I will reach out to you via email.
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Max Batt
Why was it rolled out being functional. It fails 100% of the time - and the support staff simply tell you to do the migration "manually." Even worse, it looks like 3rd-Party tools like All in 1 Importer are now blocked?? This has led to direct business harm. Please be more careful in the future before releasing defective products.

Kevin Hoffman
Max Batt This post was originally created in January 2024 during the Beta testing period of the WP Engine Site Migration plugin. I have left the thread open for customers who were relying on the legacy plugin and experienced a failure with the new plugin.
While I understand the frustration of the plugin failing 100% in your environment, I can assure you the legacy plugin was not retired until the new plugin had achieved similar performance scores or better across its entire user base.
I have reached out via email and am happy to assist with your migration.

Kevin Hoffman
Merged in a post:
Why is WPE deprecating the legacy migration tool?
Ted Bailey
Why is WPE deprecating the legacy migration tool? I've tried the new and "improved" tool a half dozen times w/ 100% fail rate. twice over the weekend. I've been using the legacy version for years w/ 100% success rate, including this morning on the site that failed over the weekend using the new tool.

Kevin Hoffman
in progress
Hi, I wanted to let you all know that we've extended the availability of the legacy plugin through at least March 29, 2024. If you need the legacy plugin as a fallback migration method, it remains available at the bottom of the Site Migration page in the User Portal.
We continue to work with customers to improve the new plugin every day, and as a result, we have seen completion rates improve in recent weeks. If you do encounter a failed migration with the new plugin, then access to the source site is especially helpful for our team to troubleshoot the migration and improve the plugin. We can arrange access via email if you are interested in working with our team.
I understand the frustration when the new plugin fails and the legacy plugin works, but know that we're listening and working to ensure you have a reliable migration method to WP Engine going forward.

Kevin Hoffman
Merged in a post:
The old plugin works for me. The new plugin does not.
Gurudayal Khalsa
Tried it, stuck at Establishing Connection
Got the error Error initializing other files
The old migration works like a charm.
Admin Rankings IO
I'd like to reach out again to give details on failed latest attempt. I have migration id, logs, and screenshot of a none WPE site migrating to a new WPE account that said 100% completed but moved nothing. Old migration plugin worked fully copying entire site. Please email me when you have the time. Thank you

Kevin Hoffman
Admin Rankings IO: Just emailed you. Thanks!
Jany Martelli
I second this. The new one failed 2 out of 2. BlogVault has never failed in years and dozen websites migrated.
DO NOT get rid of BlogVault until at least 6-12 months have passed, allowing enough time for the new one to be thoroughly used and tested in hundres of user case scanarios all the bugs and issues are fixed!

Kevin Hoffman
Jany Martelli: Thank you for your feedback. Can you provide the migration ID, destination URL, or a description of the error message so we can look into this further?
Jany Martelli
Kevin Hoffman unfortunately I didnt save that info. Wouldn't it maybe better to integrate a "send failed migration" within the tool itself? so in case of issues users can send you whatever you need right from the screen as it happens? otherwise you'll get tons of failed migrations with no useful data to check. I am still using BlogVault, dont have time to see if the new one works yet or not sorry. But anyway, the site is a 40GB file + 60GB db, dont know if this helps tailoring tests to BIG sites. Retiring a solid solution, in such a small amount of time, when the new one is very clearly not ready for production, is honestly incomprehensible to me, as a business strategy on your part.

Kevin Hoffman
under review
Thank you to those who already provided general feedback about cases where the WP Engine Site Migration plugin did not work while the legacy BlogVault plugin did. I decided to merge the general feedback posts together and include some recommendations that will help to ensure we have enough detail to investigate and troubleshoot issues going forward.

Kevin Hoffman
Merged in a post:
New WPE Migration Tool on WPE Site Broken
Admin Rankings IO
I have come across this issue a couple of times now. When I have a client site on WPE under a different agency and attempt to use the new WPE Migration Tool to a newly created WPE account for the client, it will not allow a migration to take place. No matter how many times I try or reinstall the plugin.
I was able to use the old WPE Migration Plugin and copy paste all the SFTP details and that method works without problems.

Kevin Hoffman
Merged in a post:
New migration plugin didn't work but old one did
Kathy Brennan
On my last migration I tried using the new migration plugin and it simply didn't work. I was happy I had the option of the old one which did work perfectly. Please don't get rid of it.

Jon Brown
Similar. Ive tried the new migration plugin a few times and found it totally unreliable. Gave up and went back blgovault which has always been rock solid.
WP Migrate DB was/is a great plugging for what it does, but it does t do whole site migrations reliably, never has.
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