Advanced Custom Fields

Automatically initialize WYSIWYG fields using IntersectionObserver
Admin pages with a lot of WYSIWYG fields can be significantly slow to load. That's why there is the option "Delay Initialization", that waits for the editor to be initialized as soon as the user clicks it. The related JS is from the days before IntersectionObserver was born – but it could now definitely be improved so that TinyMCE will be initialized as soon as the field enters the viewport. Here's a little function I wrote that does exactly that: /** * Attaches an intersection observer to delayed WYSIWYG fields * to enable them automatically if scrolled into view * * Uses the `ready_field` and field.addAction('load') actions * @see * @see */ handleACFWysiwygField = () => { /** * Is the field delayed? */ const isDelayed = (field) => { return field.$control().hasClass("delay"); }; /** * This function will be injected into the ACF field object. * So `this` will be the field */ function observe() { if (!isDelayed(this)) { return; } const field = this; const $wrap = field.$control(); const observer = new IntersectionObserver( (entries) => { if (entries[0].isIntersecting) { $wrap.trigger("mousedown"); observer.disconnect(); } }, { rootMargin: "300px 0px", } ); observer.observe($wrap[0]); } /** * As soon as the field is ready, prepare it * for observation */ function onReady(field) { if (!isDelayed(field)) { return; } field .$control() .find(".acf-editor-toolbar") .text("Initializing Editor ..."); field.observe = observe.bind(field); field.addAction("load", field.observe); } acf?.addAction("ready_field/type=wysiwyg", onReady); }; The function does the following things: wait for any wysiwyg field to be ready if the field is delayed wait for the field to be fully loaded ( field.addAction('load') ) patches the field with an "observe" function, that observes it and initializes the editor as soon as the field becomes within 400px of the viewport As this all can already be done using the JS API, I thought it would be worth sharing it publicly. But if the ACF support is reading this, maybe they'd consider adding the functionality to the core?
Problems with putting custom fields in the trash.
I have an ACF Pro subscription, and when I contacted support about a website I run, they asked me to post this here. I apologize if this is not the right place to post this. Currently, the problem in my environment has been resolved (by resetting the DB), but I don't have the time to execute the following again to reproduce the problem. Please forgive me. ----------------------- I put the ACF field group in the "Trash". (This was a mistake.) Next, I restored it from the "Trash". Then, "__trashed" was automatically added to the end of the field key of some fields (I wonder why it was some and not all). For example, what was originally field_1212121212121 became... field_1212121212121__trashed This caused me a lot of trouble because I could not load the field correctly from themes or programs. I have now restored from a DB backup and this problem on "my website" has been resolved. ----------------------- However, I think this problem is too fatal to be caused by a one-click mistake (putting it in the trash). The issue of "__trashed" being automatically added to the slug of a "post" that has been put in the trash seems to be something that is not limited to ACF, but I have not been able to identify the cause of this problem. *You can find several example cases by searching "WordPress __trashed" on Google. What I hope for the time being is that this problem would occur less often if it were no longer possible to accidentally put something in the "trash" from the ACF custom field list screen. For example, an alert could be displayed saying "Are you sure you want to put this in the trash?" Of course, it would be best if __trashed was not added to custom field keys. Thank you in advance for your consideration.
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